August News

My Blog
August is Woman’s Month! Now is the time slave to show your worth.
Sometimes the Universe has some surprises for me. It feels like a catastrophe but after that the phoenix rises again. Do you know that feeling? Has this ever happened to you?
It was time for a change.
Get more for less – make a change with me now!
Change now to my new exciting gallery, click here
Watch soon my latest releases like Slave Training Academy, Correctional Service, Transformation and many more. Dont miss it!
This Gallery will not be updated any more, to get more for less, click here
Inspiration Gallery
At the end of July I launched my Inspiration Gallery. Every Mistress needs inspiration. I enjoy watching other Mistress’s punish and torture slaves and when I see something I like or have not seen before, I get very very excited.
On the Inspiration Gallery you will see some of my favourites.
Slaves! Share with me your favourites and help me find some new inspiration. It could be to your benefit or demise… ha ha ha
Slave Mind Training
Every slave needs to be focussed mentally and physically on his Mistress. Serving a Mistress at her feet, collared and caged, with respect, obedience and deep devotion is the ultimate show for a Mistress that you are a true slave.
Get your pathetic male brains brainwashed and become the slave you always wanted to be. Submit to me, your Goddess Mistress April.
Adore Me Gallery
Its Woman’s Month. Honour me with your gift to show me your appreciation!
The Adoration Gallery has a few more additions, which may get you closer to me, depending on how much you show me your adoration. A lucky few may even get to kiss my feet – wouldn’t you like that Slave? I bet you would!!
Upcoming releases
Later this month you will be able to watch me train a stupid male who was sent to me by his girlfriend because he was in need of behaviour adjustment training.
He was so pathetic but I think you will enjoy it.
Look out for Slave Training and more this month on my gallery.